Thursday, September 24, 2009

Wellness #39: Nutrition

Activity: 1
Spend some time exploring Nutrition Data and write in your blog about features you would find useful. Include something surprising that you learned about the food you have been eating...

I am surprised to learn that reheating food causes a loss of most vitamins...some by as much as 40%! I am sticking to lean meat on whole wheat bread ( with lots of leafy lettuce!) for lunch at work.

And I hate what I learned about grilling meat! We love outdoor grilling at our house and consider steak a real treat but, according to NutritionalData, grilling presents a real health risk. Two separate types of carcinogenic compounds are produced by high temperature cooking- heterocyclic amines and polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons. Maybe that is why it smells so good! Guess we just won't eat it so often...

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