Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Cleaning #30: Take a Load Off our Drives

Straightened up the children's file on CY's P drive, checked S drive and organized my Z drive, eliminating outdated material. Found Gap List from 1999. Oops!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29: Email

Today I created a folder in my work email account for summer reading corespondence, of which I have a great deal. Nice to have it all in one place.

My address book was and is clutter free and I already have a personal email account--no personal emails to work address! Absolutely! Great to clean up!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28: Don't Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

I had not realized it costs so much to store files on our library computers! I cleaned and consolidated! Also cleaned up my email...Feels good!

I use the old fashioned method of our monthly planner and keep it close at hand. I keep everything in it and can tell at a glance what I have to do each day, week, month. This is especially important for children's services since we have so many activities, especially during Summer Reading Programs.

Read the GTD and found it helpful ....