Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Wellness #42: Staying Well

1. Try out the symptom checker...Mayo Clinic's system checker is interesting. After entering all the symptoms for a heart condition, it pulled up many other things as well. It wants you to make an appointment with one of their doctors but only lists Arizona, Florida and Minn. I had to go out of their system to find their Houston clinics.

2. Pick any medical condition and use the local MedlinePlus to see if there are related resources within 10 miles of your home....I found an adult day care center for seniors ...Liberty Dayton Community Day Activity, 1801 Grand, Liberty, TX 77575, 936-334-8888.

3. Create a sample family medical history tree. Discuss how this could be a useful addition to a genealogy study....This is the one that is difficult for an adopted person who has no knowledge of parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. So I created the tree but I'm the only one on it! It would be interesting and helpful for my children to have this information but, unfortunately, it just isn't available.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wellness # 41: Going Green- Part 2

Activity 3: From any of the sites above, list one activity that you think would be easy to do to live a greener lifestyle.....I liked the tips on driving to conserve gasoline, tire wear, etc. Since I commute 40 miles a day, this is very relevant.

List a second that would require more commitment, but would really like to try..... The Do-It-Yourself: Stop Junk Mail, Email and Phone Calls really does take a great deal of time and effort but I WILL try. We have stopped the phone calls (pretty much!) and emails are a fact of life but junk mail is a real pet peeve of mine! We have a post office box and sometimes it is so packed with flyers it is difficult to get all the mail out of the box. I asked at the post office but they told me that they are paid to put it in the boxes...so it is necessary to go through all the channels that are mentioned...Lots of time and effort but certainly worth a try!

Wellness #41: Going green- Part 1

Activity 1: Use one or more of the websites to determine your carbon footprint...We use much more carbon dioxide at our house than the average American family..Our house is 40 years old and electricity costs have always been high. Also, I am guessing the calculations for the average family is for a very small home or apartment. I commute 40 miles a day but just bought a new car which gets much better gas mileage. We are careful with natural gas usage at home and have lowered our gas water heater temperature. We keep our garbage to a minimum since there are only two of us at home now. My carbon footprint was 79,272 lbs/ 40 tons of carbon dioxide per year.
Activity 2: Local farmers market...We have one in Dayton which is near our home. I frequent it and love the freshness of their vegetables.